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Cannes 2015 Confession

​  Time to get slightly nostalgic

 Can you believe it? Today we celebrated a truly historical occasion. With the beginning of the 10th edition of Nisimazine Cannes we can not help but timidly point out that this project, that has been spreading the film criticism disease like wildfire, began in this exact event. Ten years ago. It is hard to figure out what led a small group of slightly obsessed film enthusiasts to descend on the mother of all film festivals to do what would soon become a fashionable trend so common nowadays in film events across the planet. Surely, despite all their wild ambitions, they could hardly believe the project would be flourishing ten years on, nevermind the fact that film criticism workshops would be the norm. Whatever their motivations were we can not help but raise a glass (ok two) to their initiative that has given the chance to hundreds of young film critics to breakthrough this often unforgiving sector.

 Fear not, we are not about to transform this 10th special coverage into an eulogy of the “heroes” that put this idea in motion. Instead we will merely increase our efforts to make this one of the most important coverages of mighty Cannes, focusing on the debut feature and short film competitions, with quick and valiant insights into other territories.

 And so the ritual has began. The discussion is on, the incessant thirst for new cinematic visions is being slowly satisfy, and soon, very soon, the world will know how the future of film-making is shaping up to be. If you are one of those eager to find out stay tuned, because as usual, this is promising to be quite a ride. 

Name: Fernando Vasquez

Nationality: Portugal

Contact: [email protected]